I love New York City. There’s something fascinating on every block. Lately, too, it seems as if there’s a Linus on nearly every block, too.
They’re amusing to look at, but are these handlebars usable? Or just for show?
They must be functional, because I have a sneaky suspicion that the original bars aren’t, at least in this configuration. It’s an interesting solution to the too-short handlebars problem, that’s for sure!
11 replies on “Linus Bicycle — The Antelope Version”
Actually that may be the original bar, just flipped up with bar extensions placed horizontal rather than vertical. The stem may be extended more than safe also.
It does look like the original bar, doesn’t it, Saul? Hadn’t noticed the stem, but the set-up, as amusing as it is, doesn’t really look precisely safe.
@The Brompton Diarist
especially in a fall or endo, which are uncomfortable enough in and of themselves.
Truly, Saul. I don’t much like the idea of extra implements of injury added gratuitiously to my handlebars.
The bike seems to be a fixed gear single speed & with the bar setup it’s so difficult (scary?) to imagine riding it. My guess is that it’s a slow speed shopping bike, & maybe the upright seating position helps with control with a heavy load (& backpack). Probably comes very high on my list of undesirable bikes?
Here’s hoping the “antelope Linus” really is a slow-speed vehicle. I can’t wrap my head around the physics of the grips: “control” is the last thing that comes to mind. It’s amusing to see, but not high on my list of mods I want, either!
Not sure that the bar arrangement does not significantly reduce control, even tho it certainly increases uprightness.
Hmmm . . . maybe righteousness is the goal, Saul!
I’d have no control with these bars. I’d be trying to work them like a plane’s yoke, which would get me into trouble pretty fast.
uprightness, righteousness…..this is how an improv session gets going
very clever
and notice the closeness of uprightness and Upright Citizens Brigade
Perfectly making your case for improv, Saul!