I wrote about this dual water bottle cage last year. I finally got around to taking pictures of the mount for the rings. It’s under my Brompton’s saddle, and stays permanently on the bike. The support isn’t in the way when the cages are detached, and I don’t notice it when my bicycle is in […]
Search: “water bottle cage”
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Just before a recent event — 34 hilly miles (54.7 km) in summer heat — I impulsively bought a double water bottle cage and had it installed on Basil’s saddle rails. This is a Profile Design system; one of its selling points is that having the bottles in back is supposed to be aero-dynamic. This […]
In my never-ending search for a solution to the Brompton water bottle problem, I ordered a Monkii V cage and clip from CycleMiles, in the UK. CycleMiles, and Miles, in particular, were terrific — even following-up unexpectedly when the Internets failed, and I couldn’t complete the sale without additional help. The Monkii, sadly, didn’t work […]
Here’s solution to a problem very few people have. Since I’m one of them, though, here it is. Bike hydration is an issue for me. I can’t wear anything on my shoulders for long. “For long” can mean as few as ten minutes, especially if I’m using my arms, or the item is heavy. On […]
He ain’t heavy . . .
. . . he’s my Brompton! Dr. Diarist hefted Basil recently — Basil with his Ergon grips; his Zefal toe clips; his sleek water bottle cage; and his stocked under-saddle bag (all weighing mere ounces!) — and Argyll, still lacking any customization at all. “That Basil’s really a porker, isn’t he?” said Dr. Diarist. (I […]
Two Fish on a Brompton
OK, it’s really “TwoFish”, but it reads better that way, don’t you think? Brompton is (theoretically) coming out with a water bottle (due at the end of last month) which will attach to the bike with a neat little magnetic clip. The clip should have no effect on folding the Brompton, and won’t increase its […]
There’s a never-ending and vigorous debate amongst Brompton owners about the best way to travel with our bicycles when packing them is essential. No one method suits all, with minimalists going for slipping their Bs into IKEA’s Dimpa shopping bag or the equivalent, and maximalists going tor super-pricey hard cases — with many methods in-between. […]
In anticipation of a bout of long, hot, cycling, I cleverly popped two of my stainless steel water bottles into the freezer the night before. Naturally, I filled them only part way — about three-quarters full. They were frosty-wonderful when I popped them into Basil’s new bottle cages. Imagine my surprise, then, when I stopped […]