My Brompton Tips

Brompton in a Closet

I keep Basil in a coat closet:

That’s a bucket of cycling accessories next to him, including a couple of helmets and a batch of various gloves.  His tire pump, and the current season’s cycling shoes are on top of the bucket  Basil’s shopping basket is behind the bucket.  Getting out the door is so easy.

6 replies on “Brompton in a Closet”

:) the whole reason why I bought my house was cause there is a little corner under the stairs I saw thats perfect little home for the Legend. If thats not a good reason to buy a house I dunno what is >:D

Cosy corners and cupboards under the stairs all make a good home for a Brompton. My Brompton kind of follows me from my kitchen into my living room and back again, sometimes folded sometimes unfolded. It depends on what tweak I need to give it or who is paying me a visit. Years ago when my ex and I used to look at the next prospective house we were thinking of moving into; whilst she was eying up the kitchen I was inspecting the garage for a water tap and seeing if the conditions were right for brewing beer. Nowadays, I look about my house and think “that’s a nice place for my Brompton”

Heh, heh . . . so I’m not the only one to keep a Brompton in the kitchen, John! Glad to know Basil and I are in good company as I do the post-ride tidying up, and put air into tires. I hope the proliferation of micorbreweries means that you still enjoy a good beer now and then, but, altogether, I think riding a Brompton is the better hobby. (Vesus brewing, that is.) Instant gratification on two wheels; no waiting around for weeks to reap the rewards, either!

@The Brompton Diarist

I forgot to mention and I’m not shy in admitting that sometimes the reason why my Brompton follows me around the house like a lost puppy is that I just like to look at it.

I haven’t brewed beer for a couple of years. I don’t know if I will ever start it up again. Brew day means 8 hours of cleaning, mashing, boiling, waiting and washing up. Hmmm now I think of all those miles I can cover instead. As you say, instant gratification. I still enjoy a good beer but leave it to the professionals to brew.

Your Basil has a good life.

A confession here, too, John: I hate putting Basil in the closet! With five cats, though, who find him fascinating, it’s just more prudent to have him somewhere they can’t knock him over. But I’d rather have him following me around the house!

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