My Brompton


Basil is an M6R Brompton, meaning that he’s got the M-shaped handlebars, six speeds, and a rear rack.  The rear rack is potentially for cargo, but is generally used to roll him on axillary wheels through stores and transit stations. The M-shaped handlebars are because they feel best for my hands and arms.

And the six gears are because I’m likely to do most of my everyday riding in rolling hills like these:

They don’t look like much, do they?  Trust me, they’re significant, especially for the relatively novice cyclist I am.

Basil and I recently tackled this stretch for the first time.  Successfully, if not speedily.  In terms of  hills I expect to encounter regularly, there are short, steep ones; long, less-steep ones; and long, rather steep ones.  It’s the latter that require the greatest stamina.

Basil and I are on the way to conquering the long, rather steep ones.  I expect it will take a while, but we’ll get there.

2 replies on “Hills”

Congratulations on conquering that stretch! Being a novice myself, I can truly appreciate… Does Basil have the standard 6 gears or does he have the lowered gearing? Here in Seattle we actually have very few places that are not hilly, so I ordered my yet-to-arrive B with the lowered gearing, in hopes that my days of pushing are behind me (I’m a returnee biker after 50 years, and my re-entry has been on the heavy Dutch bike I ride — not easy, particularly when pushing!). I’m glad you posted about this subject.

Hello, Seattle — Basil has the standard 6 gears; I waffled, wondering if the lowered gearing would be better. You’ve probably made the right choice for your area; here, our hills are more rolling than steep. After several months, I think the standard BWR will be just right here. Though I’m not as fit as I eventually expect to be, I can always make it up, albeit sometimes very slowly.

Your Brompton will be a very different animal to your Dutch bike — I hope you’ll share your experiences (and maybe start a blog?). I’m an older rider, too, and love the difference Basil has made in my life.

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