My Brompton

Harbingers of Spring

Like swallows to Capistrano

flock the fisher folk to water.  March has eased on its way, and April is holding forth.

Basil, however, is an all-season kind of critter.

7 replies on “Harbingers of Spring”

very romantic. I almost expected Basil to be on the shore with a fishing pole, waiting for a nibble….but that is more the type of moment I would capture.

Have you considered making special wading “boots” for Basil so that he can explore the wonders of fishing on a quiet stream? Do you not have a parental/close friend responsibilty to help him explore other activities in the great outdoors?

Hmmm . . . I don’t know about wading boots, but pontoons, possibly. Or maybe I need to look into finding a flat-bottomed boat on which to traverse the many nearby creeks. Basil might go for that.

It’s ok to push and bend the line, as long was we don’t break it. I can foresee a pontoon raft with paddle wheel turned by Basil’s pedals. Now that we have the land and sea conquered, it’s time to channel your grandfather’s aeronautical engineering background and take Basil UP!

I like the way you think, snm! Certainly, I’d like a boat better if it were Basil-powered, that’s for sure. Never fear, Basil will certainly fly one day. We’ve heard too many stories about his cousins successfully navigating the skies to pass up those opportunities. (He narrowly missed a chance to go to France just after his expected delivery date last fall, but there will be more opportunities!)

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