Tours, Trails & Group Rides

Steel, Eyed

The hodge-podge of bridges in the Philadelphia region may provide testimony to unplanned growth, but the variety is endlessly fascinating.

Point of view matters, of course.  What looks very straightforward — even flat and slightly uninspired — at one angle can look quite different when seen from another.

This view is a little meh, I think.  (Unless, perhaps, your name is Valentino, and you choose to see it as a monogram.)  It’s a little rigid, a little dull.  Just a bridge support in the middle of a river.

But seen from here?  Sure, there’s a steely flatness in this ordered precision, but also a kind of grace in the swoop of the arches, and the open spaces between the girders, don’t you think?  And, maybe, a visual depth that enhances the protective, cave-like, underside of the roadway?

It’s all in how you see it.