An encounter in Williamstown, along a long driveway:
It’s the best of summer’s bounty — mechanical and gustatory — all in one image!
4 replies on “Basil Among the Blackberries”
A flower among flowers. I could not not comment on these recent beautiful pics.
That’s almost lyrical, Saul . . . it’s funny, though, that traveling with Basil always feels a bit like bringing something beautiful everywhere I go; Basil adds to the scenery, but also makes me more aware of other lovely things.
zen and the art of cycling ….with Basil.
Almost lyrical? Guess I have to try even harder. Effort is the supreme joy. Success is not the goal, but a means to aim still higher.
Close enough to lyrical to count! And a fine zen comment to start the day, Saul, speaking of zen!
4 replies on “Basil Among the Blackberries”
A flower among flowers. I could not not comment on these recent beautiful pics.
That’s almost lyrical, Saul . . . it’s funny, though, that traveling with Basil always feels a bit like bringing something beautiful everywhere I go; Basil adds to the scenery, but also makes me more aware of other lovely things.
zen and the art of cycling ….with Basil.
Almost lyrical? Guess I have to try even harder. Effort is the supreme joy. Success is not the goal, but a means to aim still higher.
Close enough to lyrical to count! And a fine zen comment to start the day, Saul, speaking of zen!