
Still Grounded

Basil and I are still living life in limbo.  My original small surgery resulted in complications, and the complications have developed complications.  It will still be several more weeks before Basil and  are cycling again.

We’re dealing with it, and trying not to gripe too much. As is often the case, things could be worse.

This little guy had had a much harder time.  He spent a week in hospital unexpectedly, and then had equally unexpected — and much more extensive — surgery. We both have had our stitches removed, but he got the worst of that, too, since he had to have general anaesthesia even for that procedure, which has left him groggy for days afterwards.

Also, he’s still wearing that awful cone.  At least I can groom myself — and Basil, too, for that matter.  Bah, humbug  just the same.

4 replies on “Still Grounded”

Get well soon, & just remember that all cycling activity counts as cycling time so prep those bags, pimp that bike, run those videos. Giving Basil that much awaited (by me & all) “strip & assemble” will be less time-pressured & good therapy (fingers crossed).

“All cycling activity counts as cycling time” — I like this, Ian! Prepping, pimping and any attempts at (gulp) “strip & assemble” will have to wait, as the leg still spends most of the day elevated to a degree that doesn’t allow much of any kind of activity. (That’s the point, I expect.) But there’s no reason why I can’t redouble my Brompton video time, is there? I’ll rather like calling that “cycling time”, and then I’ll be ready for anything, won’t I?

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