Categories Miscellaneous Cat Neglect Post author By The Brompton Diarist Post date March 13, 2014 2 Comments on Cat Neglect The ears say it all. Cycling gear on the table. Peeps gonna be gone. Cat’s gonna be bored. Bah humbug, Bromptons. ← Errandonnee 2014: Part 1 → Second Progressive 2 replies on “Cat Neglect” “N + 1” could be the answer? You know… backup, spares, cat company? (hint hint, ho ho) He does have four other feline companions, Ian –but you make a compelling case for a third Brompton! Comments are closed.
2 replies on “Cat Neglect”
“N + 1” could be the answer? You know… backup, spares, cat company? (hint hint, ho ho)
He does have four other feline companions, Ian –but you make a compelling case for a third Brompton!