We’re still doing catch-up here, and I’m still fiddling with Basil’s geometry. I may have it now, but I’m testing the theory with a series of short rides.
I’m as bored as Basil is with this namby-pamby approach to cycling, but even a short ride can offer some unexpected pleasures. We wandered into the cemetery above because I needed a wall to lean Basil against while I did yet another few-millimeters of adjustment to his saddle.
4 replies on “Impatience, in a Peaceful Place”
The handle looks great! As does Basil, of course. I need to do some fit tinkering too.
THe handle is a wonderful thing, Cathy, though I do hate the way it obscures Basil’s beautiful frame! Good luck with the fit tinkering — so worth it when finished, such a pain until then. (Sometimes all-too-literally.)
To me, a most unusual looking cemetery (nothing to do with Basil resting there). My curiosity is with the small, equally sized head-stones. Perhaps it’s “camera angle”? A special place?
This was probably the first time in my life I’d ever been in a cemetary and not looked specifically at the stones, Ian, so I can’t yet answer your questions, fixated as I was on the many minute adjustments I was making to Basil’s saddle. It’s definitely not camera angle. It’s a Quaker cemetary, dating back at least to 1700, but the stones aren’t unique to Quaker graveyards, nor unknown in others. It looks to me as if they have gradually sunk over time, and have left to that natural entrophy. I’ll be back later in the week and take a good look. I’m curious about them, too.