
Street-Vending, Brompton-Style

While on my way to deliver Basil to NYCeWheels for his repair and tune-up, I saw Jack peddling to this spot near Lexington and 86th.  That canopy is stretched above a cart Jack tows, by bicycle, to his designated location.  It was both thrilling and amusing to see that NYCeWheels has a bicycle cart as part of their marketing strategy!

Once there, Jack unloads bicycles (Bromptons!), and chats up passers-by — and the occasional wacky existing customer, too.  I’m afraid I stopped and asked him about NYCeWheel’s “no appointments” approach to maintenance.  He reassured me that the program seemed to work, as, soon enough, I discovered for myself.  Jack’s a patient. low-key kind of guy; he tolerates eccentric Brompton riders with good-natured grace.

Jack has a special place in Basil’s history because he was the guide on the Brompton tour that I took last summer — that was the marvelous ride that convinced me that a Brompton was the bicycle for me.  (I ordered Basil as soon as the tour was over!)

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