
A Brompton on a Philly Brick Road

While Basil and I are grounded, commenter and fellow cyclist Saul has become an excellent Brompton sleuth — his quick eye spotted this cyclist at Head House Square:

She looks like a serious cyclist, and serious about errands:  I think that’s the voluminous T bag on that beautiful yellow M Brompton.  Love those greens and yellows (including the crates in the background).  (Hi vis — it’s not just for safety any more!)

Photos like these just make me beam, too!

8 replies on “A Brompton on a Philly Brick Road”

As much as I love my black bike, when I see a colorful Brompton I get a bit envious. Purple! Baby blue! British racing green! Sigh.

So nice to see you back at the blog.

That’s the thing about Brompton colors, isn’t it? They’re all wonderful — and all-black is among the coolest! I love Basil’s yellow and racing green, but really, you can’t go wrong!

Thanks for the welcome back, too, Cathy!

Yay! So glad you are posting again. I’ve had time to ponder why I like your blog so much and have dearly missed it. Honestly, I believe I don’t share all your appreciation of esthetics, including trailer baskets. But please never stop writing about such impressions. The reason I do come back daily and so (SO!) appreciate your postings is your heartfelt devotion to Basil and what you associate to those episodes with him. To me, it’s not the what of your devotion but how it is expressed. For that, many many thanks.

Every now and then I am quite surprised when I realize how much having Basil has made me receptive to unexpected observations and — oh yes! — experiences I’d once never imagined, or images I’d once never have noticed (wicker carts, odd permutations of luggage, ancient bicycle books, and a whole host of other things that are probably not everyone’s cup of tea). It makes me very happy, Harry, that my great affection for Basil has somehow resulted in something that you (and possibly a few others, too) enjoy reading, in spite of these eccentricities. Thanks for a comment that made my day!

Oh, no, Saul — I suspect it’s a permanent resident upstairs, where even the [theoretically temporarily] sedentary Mr. Diarist can pop over from his office to ride for a few minutes when inspired to do so.

Also, Basil needs his whole closet — well, not Basil, precisely, but his surprisingly large (cough) amount of gear. The coats are beginning to feel a bit pressed — and not in the way they should be!

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