What’s an Errandonnee? Click here!
The pick-up errand: I accidentally completed 12 errands in 7 8 categories on my previous runs — but failed to rack up sufficient mileage. That was remedied today, at the very last minute possible.
Basil and I went grocery shopping, and padded the trip with a few miles to make up my missing 10 (16 km).
Errand 13 — Category (6th 7th, second use): Grocery Store. Cheese, lovely cheese. Oil. Potatoes. Italian meats for Dr. Diarist. Leeks, yummy leeks.
Learned/Observed: Today felt like spring, and time to say good-bye to root vegetables. Also, I’m glad cheese is a year-round food!
And that was it — thanks, MG, for another excellent event! Is there any better way to say good-bye to winter??
Mileage: 10.54/16.9 km Errands: 1 Total Categories: 1
Cumulative Totals for Errandonnee:
Total Mileage: 30.66 miles/30 miles (49.3 km/48.2 km)
Total Errands: 13/12
Total Categories: 7/7 8/7
Edited almost immediately after publication, due to incompetence at filling out the control card. Sigh.
One reply on “Errandonnee: Part 3”
Hooray for Brommie and Basil! Thanks for alerting me to this challenge – I really enjoyed playing along, and managed to rack up an impressive errand/mileage total. (It does help that my miles tend to be flat and well-paved.)