. . . spotted on a train by Dr. Diarist, who was on his way to a professional meeting in Philadelphia:
It’s an apple green M3L with a Brooks saddle. The folding pedal looks original, but is the other one? It’s black; I don’t know if the non-folding Brompton pedal was an original style, at one time, or if this is an owner customization.
4 replies on “A Well-Loved Brompton”
A well-loved Brooks saddle too.
Isn’t it just, Cathy! Brooks saddles are so beautiful — and even more so as time goes on — that I’m almost sorry that the Brompton original works so well for me.
Nice job on spotting the ‘deviation’ in the pedal.
Not sure if it is an original.
I wouldn’t mind a rubber-coated pedal on mine.
It would come in handy for minimizing scratches and bruises.
Peace :)
Chandra, there is a fellow in New York who makes something he calls a “Bromfoot“; it’s designed to do just that — and also to make the slightly older-style Brompton pedal larger. It might be worth a look.