Basil and I didn’t just Coffeeneur in Suttons Bay; we did a little exploring, too.
The town is something of a tourist destination, but it’s also a little arty and quirky in a very Northern Michigan way. It’s a little rough around the edges; a little hardy, as opposed to twee or cute.
Well, OK, maybe it’s a little cutesy. These days, too, the unusual craftings might turn out to be made elsewhere, even if they’re designed locally. But the whimsy is still a lot of fun, and Basil was particularly pleased to see that yellow and black creature, which reminded him of his London compatriot, Brompton Bumble B.
I think they chatted a bit while I looked around inside the shop. Off-season, especially, there’s room for a Brompton even in the smaller shops that have been converted from buildings that once were homes.
Most of the shops are rather modest affairs, with their interesting wares discreetly displayed inside. This one has a stunning exuberance, though. Do they leave every bit of this extravaganza outside during the winter? Imagine all this bursting forth from banks of crisp, sparkling snow . . ..
Most of the shops, like these, and the one Basil and I visited, are re-purposed along what must once have been a residential main street.
There’s something interesting to see nearly everywhere you look: gables, trellises, walkways, and all kinds of roof peaks, along with a variety of exterior colors and trims. A fine abandon is in evidence all over the few blocks of the town center.
Michigan is sometimes called “the Great Lake state” which undoubtedly refers to the Great Lakes surrounding it, but the state is covered with lesser waterways, most of which could be fairly described as “great” on their own.
Sutton Bay’s little marina has become more polished than it once was, and it’s quite a sight in summer when all the boats are in residence. On this day, it was simply pretty, with all that blue water sparkling in the autumn light.
The old train station has become a law office. (I guess even as heavenly a place as Northern Michigan needs its lawyers.) These particular attorneys have a fascinating garden, round to the right of the building as shown above.
Look at that stunning beast! It ought to be fearsome, but it’s got an awfully cheery expression, in spite of all those scales and a truly terrifying set of chompers.
He (she?) and Basil hit it off right away. Travel is so enriching!
We were loathe to go, but the riding home was another wonderful experience. So much to see! So much to experience!
Basil and I are headed to a completely different part of the USA for the next week or so, and may have limited Internet access. Posts will go up through the magic of automatic scheduling, but response to comments and email may be slow, or even non-existent, until we return home.